Work experience
WMBF News Today Anchor/Investigative Reporter
September 2011 - present Myrtle Beach, SC
Co-Anchor of 2 hour newscast that doubled the rating in key demos in less than 3 years
Train & mentor producers on creating a dynamic morning show
Effectively use social media before, during and after show to interact and create interest with viewers
25+ Investigative TSR's, Special Reports, Feature stories have aired
Proud representative of WMBF in the field. Host of dozens of events, career days, etc
P2 Cameras
Breaking News
Producer Experience
Sharp Writing
Social Media
WMBF News Weekend Morning Anchor/Producer/Editor/MMJ
September 2010 - September 2011 Myrtle Beach, SC
I produced, edited & anchored a 1 hour newscast on Saturday & Sunday mornings
It was the most watched weekend morning newscast in DMA
Experienced with breaking news, live shots, editing stories, etc.
December 2007- September 2010 Tallahassee, FL
I filled several roles and was promoted 4 times during my contract at WCTV
I started part-time, but was quickly promoted to weekend Producer and a general assignment reporter during the week
Chief Nightside Reporter for FOX at 10 and WCTV at 11PM
Dayside Reporter covering the Gulf oil spill's impact on our coastal counties.
2010 - present
Southwestern Publishing: Sales/Manager/Recruiter
2005-2007 Nashville, TN
I sold education products for the Southwestern Publishing Company for 3 summers and relocated to Kentucky, Michigan and North Carolina for sales territory. After my first year, I became a manager and recruited a top performing team to bring to the field.
2010 - present
Florida State University
2004 - December 2007
Bachelor of Science in Mass Media Communications
Minor in International Affairs
In 2011, I was named a finalist in the state of Florida for both Mobile Journalist & Individual Achievement
In 2013, I was named a "Notable Alum" from Southwestern by the Southwestern Foundation. To be on the same list as Governor Rick Perry, Richard Johnson (Founder of monsterjobs.com) and Dan Moore (President of Southwestern) is truly an honor.
Southwestern Company
Florida AP Finalist